
2017-3-1 15:46  |  来源:上海文艺网

  Shanghai Zuibaichi Park, one of the five classical parks in Shanghai, national scenic spot ranked AAA, covers an area of 5 hectares. Zuibaichi Park whose predecessor was the private garden named Guyang Park of Zhu Zhichun, the Jinshi of Song Dynasty. Dong Qichang, the famous painter and minister of Rites, used to recite and create poetry here during Ming Dynasty. From Emperor Shunzhi Period toEmperor Kangxi Period (1644-1722) in Qing Dynasty, Gu Dashen, the principal of the engineering department and the famous painter, rebuilt it on the relics andnamed it Zuibaichi Park because of imitating the Prime Minister Han Qi of Song Dynasty to admire Bai Juyi.
  A centeral pond, verdant ancient plants and different sceneries will be leaped to your eyes as a beautiful picture by steps.The park is famous for the peony in spring, lotus in summer, chrysanthemum in autumn and plum flower in winter. There are lots of pavilions, terraces, path leading to the loneness maze and maintained precious treasure relics such as the Square Hall, the Boatlike Hut, Reading Hall, the Straw–hut over the Pool of Qing Dynasty, Baocheng Pavilion, the Plum Blossom Hall. Moreover, stone inscription named "Qian Chibifu, Hou Chibifu" by Zhao Mengfu’s handwriting of Yuan Dynasty, Bangyan Portrait of Qing Dynasty were collected as well as a great many works of contemporary calligraphers. Humanitiesand Chinese garden arts are accumulating mixing and passing on here thus Zuibaichi Park is the root of Shanghai and the historical continuance of thousands ofyears.

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